Design Thinking for Dating

I’m prototyping a workshop to help people learn to apply a design thinking approach to dating. An approach that isn’t about manipulation, lying, or entitlement, which seems to be at the heart of so much of the traditional advice, courses, and approaches that are out there. The idea behind Design Thinking for Dating is to approach the whole dating process from a different perspective. The perspective of empathy. The shorthand is this: Stop trying to get the person you think you want to like you. Make it easier for the right person to find you.

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Jason Nunes
Corporate therapy FTW

You spend almost every day together—hours and hours of it. You argue, debate, get excited, bounce things off each other, and plan for the future. You email, text, talk on the phone, and in person. It’s one of the most intimate relationships you can have. I’m not talking about your significant other, boyfriend, girlfriend, neutralfriend, or spouse. I’m talking about your business partner.

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Jason Nunes